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  • 05/20/2016 12:31 PM | Robert Staton (Administrator)

    Congratulations to our new officers!  Dr. Matthew Studenski from University of Miami has been elected as the new President-Elect and Dr. Kathleen Hintenlang from Mayo Clinic Jacksonville has been elected as the next AAPM Chapter Board Rep.  Matt will join the board immediately and Kathleen will take Bob Pooley's seat when his term ends at the end of the calendar year.

  • 09/08/2015 11:49 AM | Robert Staton (Administrator)

    On July 13, 2015, the State Surgeon General and Secretary of Health Dr. John Armstrong announced eight appointments to the Advisory Council of Medical Physicists. Including the following physicists:

    Mr. Scott Dube, MS, DABR, with Morton Plant Hospital brings 35 years of experience as a hospital-based clinical medical physicist. He is appointed as a licensed medical physicist who specializes in therapeutic radiological physics for a four-year term beginning July 10, 2015, and ending July 9, 2019.

    Dr. Ignacio Ferras III, Ph.D., DRP, MNP, TRP, with Huff, Ferras & Associates, Inc. and Tampa General Hospital brings 30 years of experience in the practice of medical physics. He is appointed as a licensed medical physicist who specializes in medical nuclear radiological physics for a four-year term beginning July 10, 2015, and ending July 9, 2019.

    Dr. William Sensakovic, Ph.D., DABR, DRP, with Florida Hospital Orlando brings three years clinical practice experience in diagnostic medical physics and extensive research background related to medical physics technology development. He is appointed as a licensed medical physicist who specializes in diagnostic radiological physics for a four-year term beginning July 10, 2015, and ending July 9, 2019 

  • 05/11/2015 3:40 PM | Robert Staton (Administrator)

    The presentations from the spring 2015 meetings have been posted.  We are still waiting on a few more presenters to agree to posting there presentations.  Those will be posted as soon as possible.

    Link to presentations: 

    Thanks, Robert

  • 03/04/2015 3:18 PM | Robert Staton (Administrator)

    The Florida Department of Health is currently accepting applications from qualified candidates who are interested in serving on the Council of Medical Physicists.  For more information click here or contact Joseph Lesho at (850) 245-4396 or

  • 02/10/2015 1:57 PM | Deleted user

    CE Broker (for tracking CE Credits)

    FLAAPM members can receive a $10 discount to CE Broker, the official continuing education tracking system. 

    A subscription to CE Broker lasts for an entire license cycle and offers you a continuing education management tool. 

    A full access account displays your renewal requirements, shows everything recorded to date, and details what you have left to complete.

    Go to and use the promotion code to apply your $10 discount using Promotion CodePMCEB”  

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